Tips that help

Here we go! Project “Get in shape with CYP” is in full effect!!

In order for any diet to work, it has to be personalized to the individual. Create Your Physique (CYP Pro) does exactly that allowing the user to create the physique they want on their terms. The user simply selects their goal, chooses their food, and follows their own plan. That is it…We give the user all the power in the palm of their hand.

We cannot calculate your personalized portions without knowing your current weight so you are going to need a body scale. Then you are going to need a food scale so that you can accurately measure your portions. Being precise is key so both of these items are essential to reach your goal. You will not get results without knowing and measuring your portions. Please do not rely on what might look like your portions. Five ounces of chicken looks very different than five ounces of fish. Visit out Amazon store for items that fit the budget.

Properly measuring food on a scale - First, turn your scale on. Second, place your empty container on the scale. Third, press the button and bring the number back to zero on the scale so that you do not combine the weight of the container with the weight of your food. Finally, place food into container until you reach your desired portion. You can zero the scale with each food item if you are putting more that one item in the same container. This ensures you are only measuring your food and nothing else.

Lets discuss food - You will discover that this journey does not have to be a tasteless one. The idea is to cook without loads of salt or sugar. Look for seasonings that are sodium free and add some real ingredients… Cilantro, Garlic, Lime, Onions, Peppers, and Scallions! Please visit our Recipe Videos for some tasty ideas on how to meal prep.

Do you like yogurt or cottage cheese? ….Try choosing options with the least amount of sugar. According to the American Heart Association, a female should not consume more than 25 grams of sugar per day. A male should not consume more than 35 grams of sugar per day. Check the back of food labels when shopping to make healthier choices. Be aware of products that claim sugar free given they may be using artificial sweeteners, which may be harmful when consumed over a long period of time.

Another meal option are protein shakes, which are a great way to increase your protein intake. Use Whey protein for daytime and Casein protein for nighttime. No more than 2 shakes a day. It will only help if you are following your meal plan! The recipe for tasty protein shakes can be found on our Recipe Videos page. To learn more about protein powders and other supplements, click here to view our supplement guide.

When cooking your meals, feel free to use powdered seasonings. Sometimes we do not have time for the chopping that comes with the fresh foods. It is OK to use bagged salad and frozen vegetables. Just be sure that the ingredients are only the food you are consuming. The ingredient list for frozen broccoli should be… broccoli.

Keep it Simple! Please remember that regardless of how hard or how long you train/workout, you will not reach your goal without proper nutrition. The gym is only 5% of your day. It is what you do with the other 95% that makes all the difference. This is an 80/20 lifestyle. 80% is diet. 20% is activity. We cook a bunch of food on meal prep day and weigh from there. If we cook a bunch of chicken, pasta, potatoes, vegetables… we follow our portions on the App and eat the same protein all day.

So if the App gives you steak, fish, and chicken in one day but all you have is chicken, that’s ok. Simply stick to your portions and make sure you are following the suggestion of what kind of carbs to eat during the day. The App is defaulted to make sure you eat the right kind of carb at the best time of the day according to your schedule. Your last meal will never be a heavy carb. It will always be your choice of veggies or your ingredients for a salad. It’s ok to use bagged salad and frozen vegetables if you are pressed for time. Meal prepping doesn’t have to be complicated.

In order for diet to work, it must be tailored to the individual. Everyone’s portions are different. Once you have cooked all these meals, you need something to put them in. It is not necessary to spends loads of money on containers or lunch bags. Check our Amazon Store for useful products.

Carry your meals with you so you can stay on track throughout the day. If you are on the road and need a microwave, stop by a 7-11. They have them there and are free to use.


Don’t confuse cheat meals with cheat days. You cannot out train your fork. You can put on a good amount of weight in a weekend if you completely let loose. And if you are trying to get a six pack, a cheat meal once a day will not do it. Trust me! I tried it and it did not work. Suggestion for a cheat meal is once a week. You can have anything you want for a cheat meal…and if you still want to stick your portions, a travel scale is a wonderful tool. Some are the size of a cell phone and fits in any bag.

Here are some more tips to help your progress

Try a waist trimmer with Saran Wrap and Preparation H ointment… Yes, you read Preparation H. Preparation H is a little-known weapon used by professional bodybuilders and models. Because this ointment treats hemorrhoids by extracting excess water from swollen blood vessels, Preparation H is extremely effective in removing subcutaneous water when applied to the skin.

This is how it works. First rub ointment. Then wrap the Plastic tightly around your waist 5-6 times. Finally wrap the trimmer around your waistline. If the plastic bothers you to the point that it throws off your focus while working out, try wrapping it around your waist a few more times before finally using the waist trimmer.

There are different waist trimmers and each one serves its purpose. The one used with the Preparation H should be one that promotes sweating, which is why it should go directly on the skin below your gym clothes. Others helps with form, posture, and support your lower back during your workout. These might have boning are not as flexible as the one that help you sweat. Then you have the ones that can be worn during the day underneath your clothes when you are not at the gym. We wear ours while we are at work for no more than 8 hours and never while we sleep. The lining on these are made of cotton so are soft to the touch. If the boning bothers you, try wearing a tank top first then putting in on. No one at work will notice you have it on when you wear your clothes

Let’s talk about the importance of water. You will not find soda or sugary drinks on the App as it suggests 20 ounces of water per meal and that may or may not be enough depending on how much you weigh. The minimum amount of water a person should have per day is half their body weight in ounces. For example, a person weighing 160 pounds should consume at least 80 oz a day. Divide your current weight by 2 to know the minimal amount of water you should be consuming. While my minimum is half a gallon, I try to do a full gallon a day. By the time I have my last meal, I have already done 100 ounces leaving me with only 28 ounces left to hit my daily goal. I figured the extra amount can only help. Drinking water has some extraordinary benefits such as removing toxins, helping with weight loss, reducing hunger, burning fat, improving complexion, preventing constipation, carrying oxygen to cells, decreasing fatigue, regulating body temperature, and protecting your organs.

Follow the plan the App gives you to reach your goal. The Plan is created off your choices so you are in full control of creating your physique. Weigh yourself each time you are going to meal prep and change your weight on the App. It will recalculate your personalized portions so that you may continue your progress.

You can do this!

Visit our Amazon Store for products we recommend. We have used most of the products listed and feel they are the best bang for your buck. Check out the rest of the website for transformations, recipes, and additional useful information. You can download the Create Your Physique App directly from the website. You can also join all our social media to stay updated with unlimited motivation and support. We are all on this journey together. I hope all this information helps. Feel free to contact us via email anytime if you have any questions. We are happy to help (